MICKEY MOUSE: Hmm. We have giant building blocks and the carpet. Can either of these help us get to the top of the hill? DAISY: I think the blocks would work if we stack them like stairs. Let's try it. MICKEY MOUSE: We've got ears, say: cheers. GOOFY: Going up. Good thing they're giant building blocks. MARTIAN MICKEY: Here we are. Some view, huh? DAISY: It sure is. Now, let's see. The first thing you did was look for a place to bury your Martian Treasure. What did you do second? MARTIAN MICKEY: Hmm. Oh, you're right, boy. We decided to

take the treasure to one of the three Martian craters. DAISY: Did you go to the crater in the front, the middle, or the back? MARTIAN MICKEY: Front? Middle? Back? Well, I don't know what those words mean. DAISY: Let's show Martian Mickey what front, middle and back mean. Is this crater in the front, middle or back? That's right. This one's in the front. MICKEY MOUSE: Well, how about this crater?

Is it in the front, middle or back? Right. This one's in the back. DAISY: And which crater is this one? This one's in the middle. So, Martian Mickey, which crater did you go to? The one in the front, middle or back? MARTIAN MICKEY: The crater in the front. DAISY: Goody. Then that's where we'll go next. Watch Giant Building Blocks
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Mickey's Message from Mars
3. Many space travelers
4. Special Martian Treasure
5. Giant Building Blocks
6. Sea of Sticky Sand
7. Yum-Blatz Dance
8. Martian Moon Festival
9. Hot Dog Dance