cluck-cluck chickens!

Come out, come out!
GOOFY: That sounds like Clarabelle!
MICKEY MOUSE: And she sounds worried.
CLARABELLE: Oh, cluck-cluck chickens, where are you?
MICKEY MOUSE: Uh, Clarabelle,
do you need help?

CLARABELLE: Oh, Mickey! Oh, thank goodness you're here! My cluck-cluck chickens and I were at the coop happily singing, when suddenly, out of nowhere, the big wind blew them this way and that way!
MICKEY MOUSE: Whoa! Those chickens must've flown the coop!
GOOFY: And they're gone, too!
CLARABELLE: Oh, my! Whatever shall I do?
GOOFY: Do not fear, milady. Your friends are here!
We'll find them chickens!

Uh, Mickey, uh, how can we find them?
MICKEY MOUSE: Let's all sing a song together, and I bet the cluck-cluck chickens will come out and join in! Come on, everybody, let's sing!
MICKEY MOUSE: Mickey and Donald have a farm,
ALL: Meeska-mouseke-doo!
MICKEY MOUSE: And on our farm we have cluck-cluck chickens,
ALL: Meeska-mouseke-doo!
MICKEY MOUSE: With a cluck-cluck here and a cluck-cluck there,
/ Here a cluck, there a cluck, everywhere a...
MICKEY MOUSE: Mickey and Donald have a farm,
CLARABELLE: Meeska-mouseke-doo!
CLARABELLE: Oh, thank you, Mickey! Thank you for finding my cluck-cluck chickens! A million thank-you's to you.
helping friends is what friends are for.

Uh, Clarabelle?
CLARABELLE: Well, that wasn't me, Mickey. But who could have made that moo?
GOOFY: Cowabunga! Mrs. Cow is stuck in that tire like a cork in a bottle!
MICKEY MOUSE: We've got to get her out of that tire swing safely.
GOOFY: Maybe I can help.
DONALD DUCK: Oh, this I got to see!
GOOFY: Hold on, Mrs. Cow, I'm gonna slow you down. Whoops. Oh! Come to papa, little hat.
DONALD DUCK: Watch out!
GOOFY: Whoa!
DONALD DUCK: Watch where you're going! Goofy!
MICKEY MOUSE: Listen, guys,
it's not safe to get too close to a swinging cow.

DONALD DUCK: Or to a goof!
GOOFY: But, Mickey, if we can't get close, how can we get Mrs. Cow out of the tire?
MICKEY MOUSE: Well, I think we need...
DONALD DUCK: A mouseketool!
GOOFY: I was just gonna suggest that.
MICKEY MOUSE: Everybody say, oh, toodles!
ALL: Oh, toodles!
TOODLES: Oh, let me guess. You need a mouseketool.
DONALD DUCK: We sure do!
GOOFY: Gee-golly. We have the mystery mouseketool and the handy fishing pole.
MICKEY MOUSE: Oh! What if we use the handy fishing pole to catch the tire and hold it steady?
GOOFY: Yeah! Then the tire would stop swinging.
DONALD DUCK: And the cow, too!
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See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
Mickey and Donald Have a Farm
Pull the red lever
Find the animals
Planting veggies is fun song
We got the pony
7. Find them chickens
Makes the windmill go
Farm song
Hot Dog Dance