How nice. MICKEY MOUSE: Santa, we came to rescue you. SANTA CLAUS: Ooh, a rescue team. Thanks for coming. DONALD DUCK: You're welcome, Santa. MICKEY MOUSE: Gee. SANTA CLAUS: So tell me, rescuers, what are we gonna do about this?

The harness broke and now my reindeer can't pull my sleigh. MRS. CLAUS: And that means no Christmas for anybody this year. Not even you, Donald. DONALD DUCK: What? I want my presents! MRS. CLAUS: Now, now, Donald. Don't forget. DONALD DUCK: I know. Be nice. SANTA CLAUS: Ha-ha! You got it, kid. MICKEY MOUSE: Let's check our mouseketools. Maybe they can help us fix Santa's harness. Everybody say, "Oh, Tootles." ALL: Oh, Tootles. MICKEY MOUSE: We've used almost all our mouseketools. This means

it's time for the mystery mouseketool. Everybody say,"Mystery mouseketool." What's today's mystery mouseketool? DONALD DUCK: Ribbons! MICKEY MOUSE: Can we use ribbons to tie the harness to Santa's sleigh? DONALD DUCK: You better believe it. MICKEY MOUSE: We picked all our mouseketools. Say "Super cheers." DONALD DUCK: I'll help you, Mickey. MICKEY MOUSE: There you go. DONALD DUCK: Good as new. SANTA CLAUS: Ho, ho, ho! Well, what do you know?

You kids just saved Christmas. MRS. CLAUS: See, dear, I told you they were nice. SANTA CLAUS: Indeed! All aboard, rescuers. MICKEY MOUSE: We did it. We rescued Santa. DONALD DUCK: Hooray! MICKEY MOUSE: Whoopee! SANTA CLAUS: Now, Dasher, now, Dancer, now, Prancer and Vixen. On, Comet, on, Cupid, on, Donner and Blitzen.

MICKEY MOUSE: Let's all ride Santa's sleigh, come on everybody, hop on the sleigh with us. SANTA CLAUS: Ho, ho, ho! MICKEY MOUSE: We just rescued Santa Claus DONALD DUCK: Fa-la la-la-la La-la la-la MICKEY MOUSE: Thanks to your help and Mrs. Claus DONALD DUCK: Fa-la la-la-la La-la la-la MICKEY MOUSE AND DONALD DUCK: It'll be the greatest Christmas Day Fa-la la-la-la La-la la-la
Watch Let's all ride Santa's sleigh video
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Your Christmas lists
3. Help us rescue Santa
4. Donald Duck point your spotlight
5. Top of Mistletoe Mountain
6. The special Santa call
7. Let's all ride Santa's sleigh
8. Hot Dog Dance