DAISY: There are three paths.
We're looking for the one next to a green circle, with red polka dots?
Do you see it?
DONALD: I don't.
MICKEY: Let's make sure we aren't missing something. What different shapes do you see?
MINNIE: This tree has
triangles for sides, so it's a pyramid.

DAISY: This tree is shaped like a square, so it's a cube.
MICKEY MOUSE: And this apple tree is shaped like a cone. Like an ice cream cone.
DAISY: We found a pyramid, a cube and a cone shape. But no green circles.
MINNIE: Hmm... Now, why would Willie say there's a big green circle with red polka dots if there isn't one?
ALL: Hmm...
DAISY: Hey, remember how different things looked through the Pluto-Cam because we were seeing it from a different point of view?
DONALD DUCK: I sure do.
DAISY: Well, since Willie is so much taller than we are, I bet everything must look different from way up high.
MICKEY MOUSE: Right, Daisy.
If we could look at things

the same way Willie does, well, maybe we'd find the circle he told us about.
DAISY: We need something that will let us get a look from up high.
MICKEY MOUSE: Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles."
ALL: Oh, Toodles.
MICKEY: There's balloons, a wind-up toy and building blocks. Which can help us see from really high up?
MINNIE: I know. The balloons. We could float up high in the sky by holding them.
MICKEY MOUSE: We've got ears, say "Cheers."
MICKEY MOUSE: Upsey Daisy. I mean, Upsey Mickey. Oh, look at that. The higher I go, the more things look different. I'm up as high as the giant's head. Now
do you see a green circle with red polka dots?

You found it. There's the green circle with the red polka dots that Willie saw.
MINNIE: And it's the cone-shaped apple tree.
MICKEY MOUSE: Way to go. This is the path the professor took.
MINNIE: Oh, look. The first of the three stars is shining. That means it won't be long before Mickey's Comet is here.
MICKEY MOUSE: Come on. Let's go.
See other parts:
You can see Mickey's Comet
A giant button
4. A green circle
Upside down
Steps to find the secret
Is your telescope
Hot Dog Dance